
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Next time you are enjoying a mug of your favourite beverage

Coffee Curiosities

Next time you are enjoying a mug of your favourite beverage, consider these interesting facts.
In 2010, 65 countries grew coffee, all of them in the Tropics. No commercial coffee crop has ever been grown in the United States. (A little is grown on Hawaii)
Coffee has its own special days in some counties that are public holidays. In Japan for instance October 1st is Day In Ireland it is 19th September and in Costa Rica it is 12th September.
Espresso coffee contains only one third of the amount of caffeine in a regular cup of coffee.
More than 1.4 billon cups of coffee are consumed each day.
The traditional espresso machine was actually invented in France, not in Italy. However the Italians took the idea, perfected the technique and made it their own. The best espresso coffee machines are still made in Italy.
Dieters might be interested to know - a cup of black coffee without sugar does not contain any calories whatsoever!
Coffee cherries usually contain two beans. However if you manage to find one with 3 cherries it is deemed to be a sign of good luck.
It typically takes about 40 roasted coffee beans to make a single shot of espresso coffee.
Coffee is extremely complex - scientists have discovered more than 800 different aromatic compounds in coffee.
George Washington invented instant coffee in 1906. However this was a different George Washington to the one you are probably thinking about. This George was a Belgian chemist who was living in Guatemala when he invent the process of producing instant coffee. He called his product E Coffee and it went on sale in 1909.
Coffee can be used to neutralize your when shopping for fragrances. To avoid perfume overload just take a big sniff of coffee beans or grounds between perfumes.
The caffeine found in coffee is said to increase the effect of some pain killing drugs such as paracetamol and aspirin.
Protect your plants and vegetables by putting used coffee grounds around them. This will deter slugs, snails and ants from going near then.
Brazil is considererd the King of Coffee and quite rightly - it produces nearly 40% of the world supply every year.
Despite the dominance of the two main cola firms in the US, Coffee represents 75% of all the caffeine consumed in the United States.
Although world renowned for its coffee, Costa Rica does not have any indigenous coffee plants. A Spanish traveler brought the first coffee plant into the country in 1779.:

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